This blog serves to document the research conducted by Corcoran College of Art + Design graduate student, Ryan King, under the direction of advisor, Selma Thomas. Media and exhibition reviews will be examined with the goal of enhancing the discourse between practitioners…

The web site for my thesis exhibition, Sculpted Space: City As Art, is now live. Check it out and send some feedback my way!

Corcoran alumna, Ariel Wilchek, has launched an insightful blog focusing in on temporary exhibitions and the changing world of museums. Witfully entitled, Pop-up Bliss: The Joy of Impermanence, she delves into the way architecture, environmental graphics, installation design, and more…

While researching materials related to exhibition design and criticism, I stumbled upon and excellent blog titled “The Exhibit Designer,” created by environmental graphic designer, Christine Lefebvre. She has some brilliant critiques of her own and highlights some fascinating exhibitions. visit blog

Over Spring Break I will be visiting Denver and NYC. Any suggestions on good exhibits to check out? I love the Denver Art Museum and will definitely be visiting there while in town, but I also hope to branch out…

Last Thursday I had the opportunity to join a visiting group of students from MICA’s curatorial graduate program on a tour led by the curator of Pump Me Up, Roger Gastman. He tailored his discussion to the collection and display of…

Yesterday our student group, the Society for Environmental Graphic Design (SEGD), visited Bluecadet, a media design firm in Philadelphia. Housed in a beautiful exposed-brick, wooden-floor, pet-friendly office, the energetic 20 & 30-somethings who run the company ran through their history,…

My sister visits! So I decide to take her to the Ai Weiwei show at the Hirshhorn. Here’s my photo review: Artist wikipedia page Ai Weiwei on Artsy “According to What?” exhibition page NPR review New York Times review Washington…

Electronic Superhighway Megatron / Matrix Smithsonian exhibit press release Art in America review City Paper review City Paper review (alternate version) Voice of America review (interesting how they’re using the piece as a multi-level teaching tool)
For my first assignment, I have been asked to look at four film reviews and analyze how they address technical and aesthetic aspects in wording geared to their audience. The Hobbit (2012) The Christian Science Monitor review by Peter Rainer Washington…
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