Interior of the Barnes

The Barnes Foundation

While in Philly, a few of us stopped by the Barnes Foundation. It was a museum recommended to me by my professor, Selma Thomas, as she thought it would be an interesting case study to write two different reviews of the same exhibit. The first would be an academic-style review, while the second one would be worded in a style more fitting of a brief local newspaper write-up of an art opening.

The reviews will be posted in part II, as soon as I clean my room and find my notes. I will say as a preview that the architecture outshone the actual art.

In the meantime, read about the history, view some lovely photos, learn about the controversy, or check out the documentary of the Barnes Foundation and its relocation into a super mod structure in the heart of downtown. Was it really in violation of his wishes?

…Also while in Philly, we stopped by the Comcast Center to check out the huge LED wall panels that Alvin made such a big deal about in Materials and Methods class. It was pretty amazing. Here’s a picturing of Cheena doing her thing. Also shown, sculptures in the rafters and people in the screens.

I’m not sure if pictures do it justice, so check out their YouTube vid or their holiday special.